Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Nineteen Years Ago Today: Luke's First Birthday Party

On Saturday, February 25, 2006, Mark went to the first birthday party for his youngest grandchild, Luke, in Allen, Texas.  Here are a few pictures from that day.

Above:  Luke with his uncle Drew Gresham and mom Kim Gresham Williams.
Below:  Mark holding Luke.

Mark e-mailed me copies of these photos, and I wrote back, "I really like the ones of you and Luke.  You photograph really well, you know?  And please wear that blue sweater for me next time it is cold."

Still have that sweater.  I wore it on some cold days this past month.  It kept me warm and made me feel like he was wrapping his arms around me, but it definitely looked better on him.

So where was I that day?  I had volunteered to help with a children's program at the Emily Fowler Branch of the Denton Public Library, where I was doing my library school practicum.  However, it was cancelled because no one signed up. Unfortunately I had only talked to the head children's librarian about helping and not the librarian who was actually going to do the program, so I did not find out ahead of time. Since I'd already gone there from Grapevine (where I was living at the time, with my cousin Tom and his wife Karen), I stayed the whole day and put in some more of my practicum hours. 

I don't think Mark had told his children about me before this point, anyway.  I certainly wasn't expecting to be invited along to this event.  I met his son Drew for the first time three weeks later (on March 19, 2006).  I met his daughter Kim and her family either April 8 or 16 (the latter was Easter, and there are photos of me from that day).  I met his daughter Noel and her family on Memorial Day, May 29, 2006.

© Amanda Pape - 2025 - e-mail me!

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