Thursday, December 26, 2019

Those Places Thursday: 7528 SE 36th, Portland, Oregon - Ewald Pape's Home ABT 1925-1953

This picture corresponds with one I posted about three weeks ago, from Christmas time in 1946, of the family of my Portland architect cousin Ewald Theodore Pape (1894-1976) and his family in their Portland home.

Here is another one, with Ewald's wife Alma D. Albert Pape (1898-1983) and son Albert "Bert" Theodore Pape (1928-2003).  Note the fireplace and mantle in the background.

The picture above was taken inside the longtime home of Ewald Pape and his family at 7528 SE 36th Avenue in the Eastmoreland neighborhood of Portland.  Below is a more recent view of the interior of the Spanish Revival living room.  The fireplace and mantle are nearly identical, although the sconces above the recessed area above the mantal have been removed.

And here is a photo I took of the exterior of the house in June of 2018:

I found an article in the July 6, 1924, Portland Oregonian stating that J. W. Davis was building the house, and the plumbing permit dated July 30, 1924, corroborates that.  Ewald and his family lived in the home from at least 1925 through at least 1953 (although by 1955, they were in California).

The house was designed by Portland architect Ora Mabin Akers (1879-1965), who was active in Portland 1924-1930.  His offices in that period were near Ewald's, and Akers' Portland home was in the same Eastmoreland neighborhood, so it is likely they knew each other.

Akers has twelve buildings on the Portland Historic Resources Inventory, seven apartment buildings, four single family residences, and one grocery (in the Eastmoreland neighborhood, which Ewald later remodeled).  One example of his work, from 1923, is in the Ladd Addition.  Akers lived in the Portland area until about 1933, when he apparently moved to Seattle.

I always thought it a little strange that Ewald did not design his own home - but then, his career was just starting about then.  The earliest work I can clearly attribute to Ewald is from early 1925.

© Amanda Pape - 2019 - e-mail me!

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

My Mom: Geraldine Margaret Guokas Pape, October 19, 1928 - November 30, 2019

Here is why I haven't blogged in a while.

© Amanda Pape - 2019 - e-mail me!

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

(Not-So-) Wordless Wednesday: Ewald Pape and Family, Christmastime 1946

Recently I was contacted by a third cousin once removed named Rachel who is the great-granddaughter of Margaret "Grete" Pape Travaglini (1901-1988).  Grete is the first cousin of my grandfather Paul Robert Pape (1896-1970) and his siblings, and the youngest daughter of Lorenz Pape (1862-1932), my great-great uncle.  More about Margaret and her family in a future post.

Rachel sent me a number of pictures of Margaret and her family, including pictures of her with her full brother Lorenz Jr. (the only one of Lorenz Sr.'s children to stay in Germany), as well as from visits Margaret made with her half-brother, the Portland architect Ewald Theodore Pape (1894-1976), or that Ewald had sent to her.

Below is one of those pictures, from Christmas time in 1946, of Ewald (on the right) with his wife Alma D. Albert Pape (1898-1983) and son Albert "Bert" Theodore Pape (1928-2003).  Note the background - more about this in my next post!

© Amanda Pape - 2019 - e-mail me!

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Sentimental Sunday: Happy 10th Blogiversary to ME!

Ten Lords a-Leaping, from the 12 Days of Christmas animated light display at the Moody Garden Festival of Lights, Galveston, Texas, January 3, 2015

© Amanda Pape - 2019 - e-mail me!

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thankful Thursday: Happy Thanksgiving!

All seven of the Brown and Williams grandkids were home for Thanksgiving last year (2018), so they decided to re-create a picture taken of them 13+ years earlier:

Above:  November 22, 2018.  Below:  March 12, 2005.
From left:  Adam, Lindsay, Jennifer, Drew, Holly, and Luke, with Heidi in front.

© Amanda Pape - 2019 - e-mail me!

Friday, November 22, 2019

Friday's Faces From the Past: My Aunt and the Foreign Study League

My maternal aunt, Jo Ann (Sister Jean Marie) Guokas, had the opportunity to travel with the Foreign Study League (FSL) for many years.  Her first trip was in 1969.  She started out as a counselor, recruiting 8 to 15 students to participate in this early study-abroad program.  In exchange for supervising them on the trip, all her expenses were paid.  She traveled with FSL the next three summers, all four years (1969-1972) under the leadership of Father William Kidwell, a priest and instructor at Houston's Strake Jesuit College Prep (where my brothers went to high school).

She didn't travel with the FSL in the summer of 1973, but the following year, she became an FSL leader, where she served the next nine summers.  Below is her ID card from the summer of 1975:

As a leader, my aunt was responsible for recruiting the counselors for her group, and (as I previously posted), in 1977, she recruited her sister - my mother - as a counselor (plus the 8-15 students my mother supervised).  In the summer of 1982, she managed to arrange for my youngest sister Mary to accompany the group - for free!  Here they are in Rome:

I thought this next picture was pretty cool - patches from different cities and countries she visited pinned or sewn onto my aunt's nun veil!

© Amanda Pape - 2019 - e-mail me!

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Those Places Thursday: Sometimes It's NOT Online

A while back, my friend and fellow librarian Natalie posted this picture of her mother on Facebook, and asked for help finding the location. She wrote, "This is a picture of my mother when she was 3 years old in 1939. The back of the photo says she's at Mrs. Bell's in Glen Rose, Texas. Does anyone recognize this place?" Natalie tagged me, since Glen Rose is close both to where I live and where I worked (Tarleton State University's library in Stephenville).

photo courtesy Natalie Hunt Morgan

The first thing I did was search the 1940 Census in my university's HeritageQuest database - available at any library that has TexShare databases.  I looked for the last name Bell in Glen Rose:

Sure enough, a James M. Bell and his wife Clyde E. Bell were shown as owners/partners/operators of a tourist camp within the Glen Rose city limits of the time, and had been in the same house in 1935 (click on the image below to make it larger).  This fit with the information Natalie had provided - and the buildings in the background looked like they could have been part of a camp or motel.

However, Google searches on "Glen Rose" and "Bell," the latter combined with "tourist," "camp," etc. weren't turning up anything.  Nor was I having any luck with any of my university library's newspaper databases, nor with the Portal to Texas History.

Then I remembered that we had a few books on Somerville County history in our Local History collection, in the Special Collections Suite on the lower level of the Dick Smith Library.  In a book called Somerville: Story of a Texas County, by W. C. Nunn, published in 1975, the name Jim Bell appeared in the index . On page 110, the book had this to say:

"Just around the bend from Glen Lake Camp, Jim Bell opened Bell's Park some years ago and operated it until 1962 when he sold the area to J. D. Spinks. Spinks then began maintaining not only his home there but an office and seven rental units for tourists. The front of the camp was adorned by a star of native stone in which bluebonnets were planted."

The Glen Lake Camp still exists in Glen Rose, so I knew approximately where this was.  The passage from the book gave me another clue.  A Google search on Spinks brought up a July 2018 article on the Spinks and Green Garage and Auto business, at 1416 NE Barnard Street in Glen Rose.  When I found that on Google Maps and started moving down Barnard Street (using Google Maps Street View) towards the Glen Lake Camp - there was the star-shaped planter!  Here's a photo I took in November 2019:

And here are the 1939 and 2019 photographs together, Dear Photograph style, lined up as best I could given the glare on my smartphone:

The house in the background appears to be the original (just with a screened-in porch), as does the brick wall around it, although the urns are gone.

© Amanda Pape - 2019 - e-mail me!

Monday, November 11, 2019

Military Monday: Asotin County Memorial Bridge, Asotin, Washington

In honor of Veterans Day and for The Honor Roll Project, I decided to transcribe the World War I Honor Rolls on the Asotin County Memorial Bridge in Asotin, Washington.

Asotin County Memorial Bridge (Asotin, Washington) [20 August 2014, looking east, cropped]

The Asotin County Memorial Bridge, in the county seat of Asotin, Washington, on the border with Idaho, spans the short distance over Asotin Creek, which empties into the Snake River.  Each corner of the bridge has a pillar with an honor roll plaque with the inscription:


In this case, World War I, as each plaque also has "1914 - 1918" near the bottom.

Here are the four plaques, in alphabetical order, with their transcriptions following.  All those listed resided in mostly-rural Asotin County, Washington - which apparently had an impressive 334 service members in World War I, including at least one woman.  An asterisk before a name indicates that the service member died during the war.  Links to FindAGrave memorials have been added when a connection to Asotin County could be found.

Asotin County Memorial Bridge (Asotin, Washington) [20 August 2014, panel 1, cropped]

James W. Abbott
John Abbott
Calvin Addison
Francis Ahalt
Ernest J. Anderson
E. Cliff Aplington
R. L. Appleford
Tracy Appleford
Wm. Ashley
Lawrence Autrey
*Perry W. Baldwin
Willis Baldwin
Jesse F. Bales
Marion Bales
Alfred Bauch
Chester Beaudry
Lawrence Beaudry
D. R. Beckman
Vern Beckman
Harold Beckmann
Arthur Benedict
Elmer Biddison
Casper Bilyeu
*Merle C. Bingham
Henry G. Bishop
Theodore Bishop
Joe Bittle
Walter C. Bly

Charlie V. Boggan
Henry N. Bonson
Albert Born
John Bottomly
Everett Brantner
Orval Brantner
Charles Brogger
Harry N. Brown
Walter S. Brown
Herbert Bucholz
Claude F. Buechner
Leo Buescher
Fred Bulfinch
Kale Bulfinch
Alva A. Butler
Albert B. Campbell
Earl Campbell
George Campbell
David W. Carpenter
Clay Cate
Carl E. Chandler
Samuel G. Chandler
Daniel Clark
Geo. W. Clark
Carl B. Clear
Roland Cleary
Wm. C. Clemens
Frank H. Chandler
Richard H. Chandler

Clyde Cook
Jack E. Columbus
Wm. E. Colwell
Earl Cooper
Dennis Costello
Joseph Coulter
Dale Crowser
Albert Davis
Chester A. Davis
Dent Davis
Lillian M. Davis
Melvin S. Davis
Raymond L. Davis
Wayne Davis
Ralph De Beaumont
Lloyd B. De Lore
Robt. De Lore
Wm. T. Delp
Arthur Diebel
George Diebel
Robert Diebel
Earl Duncan
B. Dustan
Clarence Earl
Clarence Everson
Wm. E. Farnham
Chas. Fehr
Ray Ferguson

Asotin County Memorial Bridge (Asotin, Washington) [20 August 2014, panel 2, cropped]

Charles Fields
Glen Fields
Dell Finch
Thomas Finch
Byron Fine
Ralph W. Fite
*Roy Fite
G. W. Fitzsimmons
Wm. H. Flatt
Chelsea Floch
Robert Floch
Louis Florence
Clarence E. Forbes
Dell Forgey
Claude G. Franklin
Everett W. Fraser
S. T. Fuller
J. H. Fulton
Glen Gano
Samuel J. Gatherer
Leslie Garrison
Virgil Grant
George S. Graves
Clyde J. Greene
Jesse H. Greene
Morgan Gregory
*Levi L. Griffin
Wm. J. Griffin
*Fred Gruver
Harry Gruver
Frank Guenkel
*Archie M. Halsey
Burt C. Halsey
Coy Halsey
Wm. Hames
Earl Hamill
Jack Hamill
Wilbur Hardy
Roy Harmon
William Harmon
Arthur Harris
H. M. Harrison
Howard Harwick
Harry Henderson
Wiltse Henderson
Elmer Herndon
John Hickenbottom
Ed. Hodge
Enoch R. Holland
Lester Hoobler
*August Hopkins
Frank Z. Horak
C. H. Houchens
Lester B. Houchens
Charles O. Howard
Ernest E. Hulse
Delbert Hunt
Carl L. Ingram
Mancel R. Ingram
Walter Jackson
Monte Jacobson
Ben Johnson
Edgar Johnson
Mark Johnson
Lillian Johnston
Ernest Johnston
Clarence Jones
Estyn Jones
M. A. Jones
Roger Jones
Hartzel Jurgens
Wenzel Jurgens
Fred Kennedy
Robert Kidwell
Arthur Kiele
John S. Kimball
Allan King
Earl King
Elton King
Leo King
Homer Knapp
*Thomas Knapp
George Knopes

Asotin County Memorial Bridge (Asotin, Washington) [20 August 2014, panel 3, cropped]

Loyd Kuehl
Morris Lang
Glen Langdon
Harry L. Langdon
John L. Larson
Emory Lathrop
Wm. F. Lathrop
Leslie Latta
Hugh Laufer
Frank Ledford
Earl Russel Lee
*Fred Le Francis
Wm. A. Le Francis
Carl J. Lehfeldt
Fritz A. Lehfeldt
Lawrence Leininger
Edgar A. Leland
Elmer Leland
Richard Ray Lile
Harvey Longfellow
Wm. Longfellow
Annette Lorer
John Lotte
Robert Lusk
Emmet Lynch
Jonathan McAssey
Allen McCracken
Floyd McCracken
Oren McCracken
Lance McCready
Allen McCredie
Lynn S. McCredie
Gilson A. McNeill
Oscar McNeill
Ivan McPherson
Henry Madison
Roy Madison
Hugh Malcom
Chas. S. Malcom
Ben B. Mallory
Lloyd Marker
Calvin Martin
Elwin Matheny
Wm. Mattoon
L. R. Michael
Forest Miller
*Earl Millsap
Everett Millsap
Leslie Millsap
Russell Millsap
Hubert Mohundro
Charles Moore
*John Moore
Wm. L. Morgan
*John C. Morris
Oval Morrow
*Henry D. Moses
Ernest A. Mosier
Jesse Naftzinger
R. E. Newbill
Dale Nobles
Estyn R. Old
Oscar W. Olson
Frank Osborne
Harry Palmer
Albert Parsons
Eugene Parsons
*John Partridge
Elwood Pearson
George Pelton
Harvey C. Pelton
Julius I. Perrin
George Persons
August Peterson
Edward H. Peterson
Wilbur Petty
Harry C. Phillips
Ed. Pitman
John Plummer
Robert Plunkett
W. W. Porter
Alva Powell
Neal Prichard

Asotin County Memorial Bridge (Asotin, Washington) [20 August 2014, panel 4, cropped]

Henry Pruitt
Leo Raaberg
Elmer Ralston
*Wm. H. Ramey
Thomas Rimmelspacher
Clarence B. Roberts
Edwin Roberts
Elveus A. Roberts
Clarence Robison
Guy Rogers
Clarence Rognstad
Louis Rognstad
Kenneth Ross
Wm. Ross
Gerald Rummel
Charles Rusher
Reid Sangster
James Sarro
Walter Savage
Paul Schurman
James Scott
Wallace Scott
Dewey Settles
*Lester Sexton
Levi W. Sexton
J. Louis Shapley
Homer B. Shaw
Gerald Sigel
Richard Sill
Harold Singleton
Lawrence Sittkus
Ray Smiley
David W. Smith
Francis J. Smith
Walter Smith
John Standley
Thomas Stanfill
Wm. A. Steele
Hubert Stephens
Carleton Stewart
Norman A. Stewart
Ed. W. St. John
Geo. A. Stout
H. Boyd Talbott
Harry C. Talbott
Walter Talbott
Arthur Taplin
Oscar Taplin
Gray M. Taylor
Lyle C. Taylor
Marion Tedford
John G. Tervooren
P. H. Tervooren
John Thormahlen
James G. Tierney
Raymond True
Walter Trueblood
Alex J. Unruh
L. Valtz
Maurice D. Van Arsdol
Elmer Van Slyke
*Howard Van Voris
W. T. Van Voris
Julius Vebres
Frank Votaw
Darrell Walls
Martin Ward
John K. Warren
*Roy Watson
Thomas Watson
Harry A. Whitney
Lee Whitney
Lloyd Whiton
*John Wm. Whittaker
Morris Williams
Grant E. Wilson
Harry Windus
Earl E. Wiseman
Einar Wold
Frank J. Wolf
Louis E. Wolford
Willard A. Wyatt
Wm. R. Yeoman

Asotin County Memorial Bridge (Asotin, Washington) [20 August 2014, under bridge, cropped]

According to, a website about "historic and notable" bridges in the United States,

The town of Asotin was prepared to replace the wooden bridge carrying Meador Street across the Asotin Creek in the summer of 1919. That span, built in 1902 by the Caywood brothers, was badly deteriorated after twenty years heavy traffic and the effects of several floods. The town council and the county commission budgeted $10,500 for it to be torn down and replaced by a steel bridge spanning the creek at Second Street.
A Fourth of July editorial in the Asotin County Sentinal led to the adoption of a proposal by Doctor S.D. Brazeau to scrap the plan for a new steel bridge and in its place erect an eye catching concrete arch to memorialize the local men who lost their lives in the recently ended Great War. The more elaborate span would cost $6,000 more than the sum allocated for the original project and this amount was raised through a private donation campaign. The first pledge was made by J.C. Halsey, whose son [Archie M. Halsey] was the last of seven Asotin County residents killed in the conflict.
The finished bridge is a wide elliptical concrete arch topped by an ornamental balustrade. Four pillars with hammer brushed insets adorned with brass plaques listing the names of the area’s veterans and topped by Victorian street lamps mark its approaches. A spiral staircase at the north end leads to a small creekside park.

The United States World War I Centennial Commission adds that "A smaller version of the bridge was constructed for pedestrians entering the community park south of the Memorial Bridge," and notes that it was built in 1920 by the Security Bridge Company of nearby Lewiston, Idaho, designed by R.F. Lorino of Lewiston, and dedicated on Veterans Day, November 11, 1922.

An old photo of the bridge from the 1920s-1930s is here.

© Amanda Pape - 2019 - e-mail me!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Wordless Wednesday: It's Been Two Years

Photos taken in 1953.  Not sure who the little black dog belongs to.

© Amanda Pape - 2019 - e-mail me!

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Halloween!

Nope, not me, one of my sisters, Halloween 1968

© Amanda Pape - 2019 - click here to e-mail me.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Those Places Thursday: The Store at 1809 Hemphill, Houston, Texas, ABT 1939-40

My mother, Geraldine Margaret Guokas Pape, has this cute photo in her collection of old photos.  On the back was written "Ruth Roy and Shakespeare [the cat] at store on Hemphill."  I'd also added some notes when I talked with her about the picture a few years back - it was on a side street off Shearn, where she lived, and [back then] across the street from Crockett Elementary (which she attended in the 1935-36 school year).  The photo was taken during her elementary school years (so between 1935 and 1941).

I decided to search for this two ways.  First, I looked for a Ruth Roy in Houston in the census in 1930 and 1940.  I found her in 1940, living at 1809 Hemphill - on the same census page as my mother and her family, who lived around the corner at 2215 Shearn.  Ruth's father, James William Roy (1890-1963), is listed in that census as "store owner" of a "retail grocery."  The 1939 (page 2530) and 1940 (page 1320) Houston city directories also show him as a retail grocer at that address.  According to the 1940 Census, the Roy family was living in Muskegee, Oklahoma, in April 1935, so this picture likely is 1938-1941.  This is because other city directories showed an Otis L. Bell operating the grocery at this address in 1937, and a Jesse L. Fowler in 1942.

Neither 1809 Hemphill nor 2215 Shearn exist today - the block they are on is now part of Crockett Elementary - but here is where they were located on this composite of two 1924 Sanborn maps (click on the image to make it bigger):

Above: Intersection of Shearn and Hemphill, 1924 Sanborn map composite of portions of and

Below:  Google Map street view of 1809 Hemphill in October 2007.  The back side of 2204 Crockett can be seen in the background - see how the upstairs window matches up with the building to the left in the photo of Ruth and Shakespeare?

You'll note that 1809 Hemphill is marked with an S, indicating a store, on the 1924 Sanborn map.  This address does not appear on the 1907 Sanborn map, and the criss-cross directories indicate it was built sometime between 1920 and 1924.  The 1925 Houston city directory is the first to show a grocer there,  L[ouis] A. Cramer (1869-1933).

The December 1950 Sanborn map for this area (which is still under copyright, so I cannot show an image) shows the building just behind Ruth and Shakespeare, with the garage on the lower level, with an address of 1807 Hemphill.  That address shows up in criss-cross directories for the relevant time period (1935-1942).   Therefore, I feel confident I have the right location for the photo at the beginning of this post.

My mother's former address of 2215 Shearn was declared dangerous in October 1993 and was ordered to be demolished within 30 days.  That had definitely happened by February 2008, as it does not appear in a Google Map street view of that date.  In early October 2009, demolition permits were issued for the old store at 1809 Hickory as well as the three remaining buildings on the 2200 block of Shearn, as well as for the five remaining buildings in the 2200 block of Crockett.  All of this property had been acquired a few years earlier by the Houston Independent School District to expand Crockett Elementary School.

Lydia Ruth Roy was born November 5, 1926, in Detroit, Michigan.  She married Dr. Thomas Robert Scott on December 24, 1952, at St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Houston.  They had a daughter, Alison Louise Scott, who tragically died in a bathtub drowning just short of her first birthday in 1957, and is buried in Columbia, South Carolina.  Ruth died December 5, 2003, and is also buried in that city.

© Amanda Pape - 2019 - e-mail me!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Happy 91st Birthday to My Mom!

Today my mom, Geraldine Margaret Guokas Pape, turns 91.  Here are a couple of pictures of her from about 1932, when she was four years old.  She is outside the family's then-home of 1717 Shearn in Houston, Texas.   I think in this first photo, she is outside the side of the house that faced Shearn, and the porch behind her had been rebuilt since 1908-1909.

This second photo is looking down the street from outside the house - I think looking west down Shearn, at houses on the north side of the 1700 block.   I believe the house just above her head is 1704 Shearn, built in 1930 (according to the accessor's records) and still standing (and restored!) today.

Both photos are stamped on the back with the number 27 and a logo for Gregg and the saying, "Gregg's Crest Marks the Best."  The 1932 Houston city directory shows (on page 653) a V. Elmo Gregg and Paul E. Gregg operating Gregg & Son, a photo finishing service, at 810-12 Caroline in Houston.

© Amanda Pape - 2019 - e-mail me!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Wordless Wednesday: Happy Birthday to My Baby Sister

Mary at Halloween 1968

© Amanda Pape - 2018 - click here to e-mail me.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Those Places Thursday: La Armada, Corpus Christi, Texas, 1940s.

Recently someone in a Facebook group related to Corpus Christi history asked about La Armada.  This is a housing project that still exists in the city, but it was originally built in 1940-41 to accommodate Navy enlisted men and civilian military employees as the Corpus Christi Naval Air Station (CCNAS) expanded.

My husband's family was eligible to live there, as my father-in-law, Francis Edward Gresham (1911-1990), was a Department of Defense contract employee at CCNAS from at least March 23, 1942, to at least April 13, 1944 (when he enlisted in the Navy and was sent to the Hydrographic Office near Washington DC), and then again from March 1946 (after his release from military service) to January 1949 (when he was transferred to the Naval Air Station at Pensacola, Florida).  Here is a picture of my husband Mark from that first time period.

The first time, the Greshams lived at 3765 Brandywine Court in the development.  That building was renovated in 2016-17.  The Greshams lived in 3829 Blanco Courts during the 1946-49 time period.

There are some images from La Armada's construction at the Library of Congress taken by Russell Lee (1903-1986) in Corpus Christi in December 1940 for the U.S. Farm Security Administration.

Below:  View of housing units...  Both photos by Russell Lee, December 1940.
No known copyright restrictions - U.S. Government works.

A site plan for the first phase of La Armada is in the Charles H.F. von Blucher Family Papers, Collection 4 [Conrad Blucher Survey Collection], Mary and Jeff Bell Library, Special Collections and Archives Department, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.  A 1940s aerial photograph of La Armada is part of the Corpus Christi Public Libraries Digital Archives.

© Amanda Pape - 2019 - e-mail me!

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Sentimental Sunday: Dad, Aunt Lorrie, and Nick at Enchanted Rock, September 1998

Looks like Dad (Frederick Henry Pape, 1929-2017), my godmother Aunt Lorrie (Dolores Frances Olker Pape, 1929-2005), and my nephew Nick visited  Enchanted Rock State Natural Area in September 1998, when apparently Lorrie and Dad's brother Bob were visiting my parents at their home in nearby Fredericksburg, Texas.

© Amanda Pape - 2019 - e-mail me!

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Sentimental Sunday: Uncle Bob and Dad, January 2000

My godfather Uncle Bob (Paul Robert Pape Jr., 1926-2008) and my dad, Frederick Henry Pape (1929-2017), acting like brothers at the reception after the funeral for my grandmother, their mother, Elizabeth Florence Massmann Pape (1902-2000), in Illinois on January 20, 2000.

© Amanda Pape - 2019 - e-mail me!

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sentimental Sunday: Grandpa and Lucky, April 1953

My paternal grandfather, Paul Robert Pape Sr. (1896-1970), with the family dog Lucky:

These photos were taken in Grandpa's backyard at 2093 West Lunt Avenue in Chicago, Illinois, in April 1953.

The images are from Kodachrome slides I found in the study of my late father, Frederick Henry Pape (1929-2017), and was most likely taken by him.

© Amanda Pape - 2019 - e-mail me!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Thankful Thursday: Happy Birthday to My Aunt!

My aunt, Jo Ann (Sister Jean Marie) Guokas, was born September 12, 1930, so she is 89 years old today.  She's also been a nun for 70 years.  This photo was taken on August 4, 2019, at a celebration of the event at her convent in Houston, Texas, the Congregation of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament.  

Sister Jean Marie Guokas with her nieces and nephews Mary, Brian, Karen, Mark, and Amanda Pape.

© Amanda Pape - 2019 - e-mail me!

Friday, September 6, 2019

Friday's Faces From the Past: Rho and Mare, June 1953

Final shot of my cousins Rosemary "Rho" Jean Streff Grandusky (1949-2016) (in front) and her sister Marianne "Mare," in June 1953.  This photo was taken in the backyard of the home of my grandparents, Paul Robert Pape Sr. (1896-1970) and Elizabeth Florence Massmann Pape (1902-2000), at 2093 West Lunt Avenue in Chicago, Illinois.

The image is from a Kodachrome slide I found in the study of my late father, Frederick Henry Pape (1929-2017), and was most likely taken by him.

© Amanda Pape - 2019 - e-mail me!

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Wedding Wednesday: Who Are the Bridesmaids?

The following pictures are from Kodachrome slides I found in the study of my late father, Frederick Henry Pape (1929-2017), and were most likely taken by him. They are of five bridesmaids at the double wedding on June 13, 1953, of Dad's younger sisters, Marilyn "Beete" Electa Pape Hedger, who married James "Jim" Edward Hedger (1933-2010); and Rose Mary "Moe" Pape Dietz (1931-2007), who married Ronald Joseph "Das" Dietz (1931-1994).

One other bridesmaid was Dad's older sister Elizabeth "Betty" Mary Pape Streff  (1927-2017), who was in an identical dress, only in blue.  I'm thinking a couple of these may be of Jim's older sisters.  This first one could be Juanita "Nita" Hedger Mullins [ETA 17 February 2020:  but Nita herself says it is not her (see the comments)]:

Here is Nita's picture in the 1942 yearbook from Immaculata High School in Chicago, when she was a sophomore.  I see some similarities in the smile. [ETA 17 February 2020:  This is Nita, according to Nita herself - see the comments.]

My cousin Ginny confirmed my guess that this next one is her aunt, Lorraine Ann Hedger Marks (1925-1998).

Here is Lorraine's junior year picture from the 1942 Immaculata High School yearbook - again, a similar smile.

Das had an older and a younger brother, and one half-sister, Carol Marion Dietz Mossolle (1914-1982).  One of the following three women could be her, or they could be girlfriends/wives of Das' brothers, or they could just be friends of Moe and Beete.   Perhaps some of my cousins will know who these women are.

The best view of the bridesmaid dress is in this picture - the wind wasn't blowing it around:

The photos were taken outside the wedding location, St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church in Chicago, Illinois.

© Amanda Pape - 2019 - e-mail me!