Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Savickas Windmill near Gikoniai, Pakruojo, Šiauliai, Lithuania

There's an old stone tower windmill in Gikoniai, called the Savickas mill.  It was built in the late 19th century (it appears on an 1896 map) by Mykolas Savickas (c1859-1919), who is my third cousin thrice removed.

Above:  Savickas mill, by Osvaldas Guokas, 2 June 2017.
Below:  southeast segment of map of Gikoniai in 1940 from the 1995 memories of Aldona Radauskaitė Zigmantavičienė, highlighting the Savickas mill (center of the red box).

In the map of circa-1940 Gikoniai above (see my previous post), the mill is shown in the center of the red square, near the name "Juozo Savicka."  Mykolas Savickas had four sons; at least two of them (Juozapas and Mykolas Jr.) survived to adulthood and married.  The present-day location of the mill can be better seen on a satellite image.

The image below is of the mill in the 1960s, when it appears to have still been in operation.  The mill took about 10 years to build, with about a meter of masonry added each year.  The stones were plastered over, and the cap is made of wood.

Above:  Savickas mill in the 1960s
Below:  Savickas mill, by Osvaldas Guokas, 2 June 2017.

Above:  Savickas mill, by Osvaldas Guokas, 2 June 2017,

More information about the windmill, including additional pictures, inside and out, is available here:  https://malunai.lt/malunas.php?malunas_id=172.

A 3D model of the windmill is available here:  https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/gikoniai-windmill-eda74d6e555043feb554567c3dcd4af3.

© Amanda Pape - 2024 - e-mail me!

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