
Monday, January 21, 2019

Military Monday: Kodachrome in Korea IV

Last year, while cleaning out the study of my late father, Frederick Henry Pape (1929-2017), I found a paper bag containing a number of Kodachrome slides from the early and mid-1950s, taken during his time in Korea and also in Chicago and Evanston, Illinois. Kodachrome is extremely stable, and the color on these slides is near pristine. I'll be sharing more of the images in the future.

The two photos below show Dad at what I believe were anti-aircraft gun emplacements in the hills above the K-9 (Pusan East) Air Base in Korea, where he was stationed from October 1952 through March 1953.  You can see the Suyeong River in the background in the upper right, with the buildings and tents of the base next to it, and beyond that, the runway lined with aircraft.  

Unfortunately, I don't know who any of the other men in the pictures with Dad are.  I wish I could ask Dad.  Had he lived, in two more weeks, he would have been 90 years old.

Here's another view looking north from this hill, a little closer to the river.

© Amanda Pape - 2019 - click here to e-mail me.


  1. The river fits. Could be here:

    1. Jens-Olaf, thanks for commenting. Sorry for the delay replying; my husband was in the hospital on June 7 but is now much better. I agree that this is K-9. Thanks for sharing the link to the slides!
