
Friday, February 26, 2016

Friday's Faces From the Past: TAMU RPTS Stories - 1976 Christmas Party

Here are more pages from the scrapbook I kept in 1976-1977 as the Reporter-Historian of the Texas A&M University Recreation and Parks Club, being posted here in anticipation of the 50th anniversary of the Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences Department.  These are from the annual Christmas party, held at the Briarwood Apartment complex Blue Room.  It was a rather dressy affair, at least in those days.

Above:  RP Club 1976-77 officers pose for a group photo at the Christmas party on December 3, 1976.  Standing from the left:  Bob Lisauckis '77, social chairman; John Kibler '77, president; Clay Callaway '77, Agriculture Council representative; and John Melton '77, Spring 1977 vice-president.  Seated from the left:  Amanda Pape '78, reporter-historian;  Deb Cleland '78, Fall 1976 vice-president (resigned to do a study abroad program in Scotland in Spring 1977 semester); Roxane Westphal '77, secretary; and Peggy Cook '80, treasurer.

Above:  Spring 1977 vice-president John Melton '77, Dr. Lou Hodges, and Joe Bihon '77 sample a variety of wines.

Below:  president John Kibler '77 and Jack Reinarz '76 try some of the cheeses and crackers.

Above:  Debbie and Jim Pack '78 talk with Dr. and Mrs. B. Dan (Marihelen) Kamp.

Below:  Jackie and Glenn Highfill '79.

Above:  president John Kibler '77, Kim McAdams '78, and David Anderson '77.

  Below:  Agriculture Council representative Clay Callaway '77, Lynn Timken '79, Jim Pack '78,
 and treasurer Peggy Cook '80.

© Amanda Pape - 2016 - click here to e-mail me.

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