
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

(Not-So-) Wordless Wednesday: TAMU RPTS Stories - RP Club Christmas Party, 1978

At the end of the 1976-77 school year, during which I served as reporter-historian for the Recreation and Parks (RP) Club at Texas A&M University, I was elected president for the 1977-78 school year.  Apparently this was unusual, as I was still a junior when I was elected (I became a senior at the end of the Fall 1977 semester).  We had a very active year under my presidency as well - but unfortunately I have very few photographs to document it!  Nor is there much from my final semester in the program, Fall 1978.

There are some photos from the last event of that semester - the annual Christmas party, where the students dressed up (along with faculty and staff who attended).  This one was held December 9, 1978, at the Briarwood Apartment Complex Blue Room.

Five Recreation and Parks Honor Awards, $50 book scholarships, were announced that evening.  They were funded from proceeds from the 1978 Rompin' Stompin' Chili Bang-Out, a chili cook-off sponsored by the Club and local radio stations, with the RP 311 (Community Recreation) class organizing the games and entertainment.  Qualifications for the Honor Awards were a GPA of at least 2.5, membership in the RP Club, and involvement in at least three different extracurricular activities.

Below:  Recipients of the Recreation and Parks Honor Awards were (from left to right), Wilfred Korth '79 (Club secretary in 77-78 and treasurer in 78-79), Glenn Highfill '79 (Club social chairman in 78-79), Debbie Bishop '79, Lynn Timken '79 (Club social chairman in 77-78), and Cody Jetton '79 (Club treasurer in 77-78 and president in 78-79).

Cody also won one of the first Recreation and Parks Honor Awards in Spring 1978 (funded with proceeds from the 1977 Rompin' Stompin' Chili Bang-Out), along with Karen Bellinghausen '79, Deb Cleland '78, Karen Jones '80, and yours truly.

Also that evening, the winner of the Fall 1978 Silver Chaparral Award was announced, for the "graduating senior most likely to further the goals of the profession."  Guess who won:

Above:  Amanda Pape '78 receives the Silver Chaparral Award as the most outstanding graduating senior for Fall 1978 from Recreation and Parks Department head Dr. Les Reid.   Suzanne Smith '80 and Lynn Timken '79 are in the background.

Below:  From Page 9 of the Fall 1978 Recreation and Parks Department newsletter.

© Amanda Pape - 2016 - click here to e-mail me.

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