
Friday, April 15, 2016

Friday's Faces From the Past: TAMU RPTS Stories - RP Club Friends, 1982-3

I've been sharing a number of stories recently here in anticipation of the 50th anniversary of the Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences (RPTS) Department at Texas A&M University.  This isn't an "RPTS story" per se, because it's not about events or activities that occurred in that department. 

Rather, the next few postings of "RPTS stories" will be about what happened afterwards - the lifelong friendships made and the fun meet-ups former members of the Recreation and Parks (RP) Club and I had over the following years, in places all over the state and country.  

By 1982, I was no longer working directly in parks and recreation.  In October of the previous year, I had moved to the City of Corpus Christi's Information Services Office.  I still kept in touch with my old friends, though, many of whom were still in the field.  Like this time:

Below:  RP Club Reunion at Lake Somerville State Park, September 6, 1982.  Left to right:  Amanda Pape '78,  Cody Jetton '79, Mark B. (not RP), Karen Bellinghausen '79, Glen Korth '81, Peggy Cook '80, Steve Holland (MS '79, PhD '85), Dale Zuck '79, and Wilfred Korth '79.  At this point, Amanda was with the City of Corpus Christi Information Services Office; Cody, Karen, Steve, and Peggy were all in graduate school at Texas A&M; Wilfred and Dale were park rangers at Coleto Creek Park and Reservoir with the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority, and Glen was a park ranger at Lake Somerville State Park's Birch Creek Unit.

Wilfred Korth '79 and Cody Jetton '79 (above); and Dale Zuck '79 and Peggy Cook '80 (below), looking at photos from 1976 through 1981; at a get-together at Lake Somerville State Park on September 6, 1982.

Above:  Dale Zuck '79 brought his sailboat, and took Cody Jetton '79 out in it on Lake Somerville.
Below:  Amanda Pape '78 and Cody Jetton '79 at the RP get-together, September 6, 1982.

Above:  Lynn Timken '79, Debbie Bishop '79, and Amanda Pape '78 at Amanda's apartment in Corpus Christi, Texas, May 1983.  Lynn was visiting from Keystone, Colorado, where she was working with the ski resort there; Debbie was with the Victoria YMCA, and Amanda had just been promoted to the City of Corpus Christi Budget Office.

Below:  Lynn, Amanda, and Debbie clown around in the next four pictures.

© Amanda Pape - 2016 - click here to e-mail me.

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