
Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sentimental Sunday: TAMU RPTS Stories - RMI, March 28-31, 1977 (part 2 of 4)

Here are more pages from the scrapbook I kept in 1976-1977 as the Reporter-Historian of the Texas A&M University Recreation and Parks Club, being posted here in anticipation of the 50th anniversary of the Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences Department.

These pages are the second in a set of four (part one is here) from the 9th Recreation Management Institute, fondly known as RMI.  The Recreation and Parks Club was heavily involved in this annual event, handling transportation and entertainment at the banquet, introducing and recording the speakers, providing food for the opening icebreaker and a barbecue luncheon, hosting a somewhat spur-of-the-moment beer bust, and staffing the "Nerve Center," which handled registration, message-taking, and errand-running, and coordinating all the other committees.  These next three pages (and the personal photograph just below) cover the "RMI Beer Bust" hosted by the Club on the evening of Wednesday, March 30, 1977, at the Briarwood Apartment complex Blue Room:

Above:  Karen Herrington '78, Cody Jetton '79, Amanda Pape '78, and Jim Eley '77 at the Beer Bust.

Above:  RMI participant Mary Ellen Guay, writer-editor with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers office in Fort Worth, chats with Denice Landry '79.

Below:  Sheryl Tomlinson '79, Terry Kerr '78, and Karen Herrington '78.

Above:  RMI instructor Jim Sears, Chief of Conservation Affairs with the Environmental Resources Branch of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers South Pacific Division in San Francisco talks with Blake Hinman '77.

Below:  Entertainment co-chair David Anderson '80 with two party attendees.  The "A" on his shirt was for the "A to Z Kazoo Band," that provided some of the entertainment.  Dale Zuck '79 was "Z."

Above and left:  RMI participant John Debo, Community Planner with Acadia National Park in Maine, is swept off his feet by Karen Herrington '78 and Trish Jared '78. 

Below:  Cody Jetton '79, Cindy Duke '79, and Susan Rohan.

Above:  Glenn Highfill '79, Lynn Timken '79, and RMI participants Gary Whisnant (M.Ag. '73) of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Little Rock District, and Dick Burch, Outdoor Recreation Planner with the Bureau of Land Management in Phoenix, Arizona.

Below:  The contact sheet at the bottom of this last scrapbook page about the Beer Bust is deserving of its own separate post - look for it on Friday, March 11, 2016.

Above:  Dennis Mueller with two RMI attendees.

Below:  John Melton '77, RMI instructor Marion Clarke (Ph.D. '70) of the Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Peggy Cook '80, and RMI participant Bill Beckner, State Recreation Planner with Oregon State Parks.

© Amanda Pape - 2016 - click here to e-mail me.

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