
Friday, February 6, 2015

Friday's Faces From the Past: Fred, Henrietta, Jack, and Bob, San Francisco, 1952

My dad, Fred Pape (on the left) with his first cousin once removed (his mom's first cousin) Henrietta Gauer Strible (1898-1961) and her husband Jack (John Joseph Strible Jr., 1895-1963), and Dad's brother, my uncle Bob (Paul Robert Pape, Jr., 1926-2008), in San Francisco in September, 1926.  Dad was on a short leave before a B-26 ferrying mission from Sacramento, California, to Tokyo, Japan.  Bob was en route from Korea to the Pentagon.  Bob and Fred met at the home of their mother's cousin in San Francisco,  I think the photo above might have been taken outside Roberts-at-the-Beach, a restaurant that had been at 2200 Great Highway in San Francisco since 1897 (as a sign in the photo says).  It was located just off the beach between Golden Gate Park and the San Francisco Zoo. The restaurant closed in the 1960s and was eventually torn down.

© Amanda Pape - 2015 - click here to e-mail me.

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