
Monday, June 2, 2014

Motivation Monday: I'm an #FGS2014 Ambassador!

I was excited to learn last week that I have been honored to be named an Ambassador for the FGS (Federation of Genealogical Societies)' 2014 annual conference, to be held August 27-30 in San Antonio, Texas!

As an Ambassador, I will be helping "to spread information about the FGS 2014 Conference in San Antonio, Texas, August 27-30, through social media to their friends, colleagues, and everyone interested in genealogy."

I'm not even sure yet if I will be able to attend more than Saturday, August 30 (but I'll definitely be there then!).  I am the Coordinator for Archives and Special Services at the Dick Smith Library at Tarleton State University in Texas, and while "Special Services" does include our genealogy and local history collection, it also includes our "Curriculum Collection," which includes children's and young adult literature, teacher resources, and a collection of K-12 state-adopted textbooks, all of which are used by students studying to be educators in our teacher training programs.  Unlucky for me, as far as FGS is concerned, is that it falls during the first week of the fall semester. :(

I did apply to be one of the exhibit hall presenters.  My university is very supportive of faculty and staff making presentations, so if I am chosen that may earn me another day (Friday) at the conference.

I was fortunate enough to spend a summer living and working (as a park ranger at Mission San Jose) in San Antonio, and one of the things I will be doing over the next few weeks is sharing some information about the city, particularly some of the attractions that I think might be of the most interest to genealogists.  I have a number of old photos from my summer there, as well as earlier family visits (including ones by my mother with her parents and siblings), and I'll be building some of my posts around those photos.

© Amanda Pape - 2014 - click here to e-mail me.

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