
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sentimental Sunday: Military Memories: Dad As a Navigator-Bombardier, ABT 1953

My dad, 2nd Lieutenant F. H. Pape, served as a navigator-bombardier in the US Air Force in the Korean War.  This photo was probably taken in early 1953.

Dad said that the B-26s (which were really Douglas A-26 Invaders) flew at 7,000-8,000 feet.  They did not do any dive-bombing in Korea because the area was so mountainous, nor did they do any strafing.  The B-26 had a three-man crew.  The gunner rode next to the pilot and functioned as a co-pilot, watching the engine instruments while the pilot watched the piloting instruments.  Dad rode in the nose so he could see to bomb (although during take-offs and landings, he rode in a "tunnel" between the cockpit and nose).

© Amanda Pape - 2014 - click here to e-mail me.

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