
Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday's Faces from the Past: Mom & Dad at Kemah, 1953-54

Fred Pape and Gerrie Guokas at (according to Mom) "Henry Clay's family's place in Kemah, Texas," on a Sunday Rosarian Club activity in 1953 or 1954.

This looks a lot like the area I remember visiting as a child in the 1960s.  Mom's aunt and uncle, Edith and Bob Brown, had a place on the water in or near Kemah.  I remember going out on piers like those pictured and tying raw chicken legs to one of a string, and the other end to a plank in the pier.  Later we'd pull them up slowly, net at the ready, to see if we'd caught any crabs.  I remember dropping them in a pot of water to boil and eating them outside a white one-story house.

© Amanda Pape - 2013 - click here to e-mail me.

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