
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sentimental Sunday: Charles Guokas Jr. and III in Washington, DC

I'm not completely sure when the photograph below, of my maternal grandfather, Charles Peter Guokas Jr. (1903-1967), and his son, my uncle, Charles Guokas III (1927-1999), was taken, but I am pretty sure it was April, 1967.  The color photograph, rather faded today, was square (before I cropped it slightly), and cameras using 126 mm. film that produced these square images was rather common then - I had a camera using such film myself at that time.  I know the photograph was not taken any later than this time.  My grandfather was a lifelong Texan and Democrat, and had actively campaigned to get John F. Kennedy elected president (and Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas elected vice-president), back in 1960.  I don't know whether my grandfather and uncle were visiting Washington, DC, for a particular political reason at this time, or just for fun.
Charles Guokas Jr. and Charles Guokas III in front of the White House in Washington, DC, April 1967

The picture below is dated April 28, 1967.  The man on the far right is Nicholas Katzenbach, then Under Secretary of State in the Lyndon B. Johnson administration.  Three weeks after this picture was taken, Charles Guokas Jr. passed away, rather suddenly, at age 63, in Houston, Texas, on May 18, 1967, from cardiovascular disease.  Charles Guokas III died in Tyler, Texas, on May 27, 1999, at age 72.  Mr. Katzenbach, who had quite an illustrious career, died just last year, on May 8, 2012, at age 90.
Charles Guokas Jr., Charles Guokas III, and Nicholas Katzenbach, Washington, DC, April 28, 1967

© Amanda Pape - 2013 - click here to e-mail me.

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