
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Advent Calendar: Christmas Cards

photo courtesy cousin Bill
It's the annual Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories!  I've participated the past three years (2009, 2010, and 2011), and rather than simply re-post, I'm going to link to the older posts, and - when applicable - post about something else that's somewhat related.

The prompt for today is:  December 4 – Christmas Cards
Did your family send cards? Did your family display the ones they received? Do you still send Christmas cards? Do you have any cards from your ancestors?

I wrote about my and my family's card traditions in previous years, and also showed some old cards from Mark's parents and paternal grandmother.  I also wrote about a Christmas card from my relative, the architect Ewald T. Pape (1894-1976) that was in the collection of his first cousin, my great aunt, Martha Pape Bleidt (1890-1981).

The photo at left is of a card that was also in Aunt Martha's collection.  It's of my cousins, the four daughters of Paul Robert Pape Jr. (1926-2008) and Dolores Olker Pape (1929-2005).  I'm guessing, from other photos I have of them from around the same time, that it is from about 1970.  Clockwise from the bottom, oldest to youngest, are Terrie, Donna, Judy, and Bobbie.

© Amanda Pape - 2012 - click here to e-mail me.

The Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories (ACCM) allows you to share your family’s holiday history 24 different ways during 24 days in December! Learn more at

1 comment:

  1. I have some old Christmas cards like the one above with photos of my cousins.
