
Friday, June 17, 2011

Uniforms! - 52 Weeks of Personal Genealogy & History: Clothes

The prompt for Week 24 of 52 Weeks of Personal Genealogy & History is Clothes:

What types of clothes did you wear as a child? What was “in fashion” and did your style compare?

First grade, St. Jerome School, Houston, 1963-4
Navy blue tie and plaid; blouse was white.
Boys wore the plaid in shirts, and khaki pants.
Brownies, 1965.  Top row: Marianne Reat,
me, Sharon Mulvehill. Seated: Beth
Calhoun, Debbie Christ, Theresa Ellis.
Didn't matter what was in fashion, because as a child, I wore uniforms (1st-8th grade) or followed a pretty strict dress code (high school).

Honestly, I preferred the uniforms.  It made dressing so simple.  We wore shorts under our jumpers, and took off the latter for PE.

Fourth grade, St. Francis de Sales School, Houston, 1966-7,
with Tracy Lynch. One of the few times I was in the front row.
Junior Girl Scout, 1968. I'd just received
the Catholic Salve Regina Award.

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