
Sunday, September 29, 2019

Sentimental Sunday: Dad, Aunt Lorrie, and Nick at Enchanted Rock, September 1998

Looks like Dad (Frederick Henry Pape, 1929-2017), my godmother Aunt Lorrie (Dolores Frances Olker Pape, 1929-2005), and my nephew Nick visited  Enchanted Rock State Natural Area in September 1998, when apparently Lorrie and Dad's brother Bob were visiting my parents at their home in nearby Fredericksburg, Texas.

© Amanda Pape - 2019 - e-mail me!

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Sentimental Sunday: Uncle Bob and Dad, January 2000

My godfather Uncle Bob (Paul Robert Pape Jr., 1926-2008) and my dad, Frederick Henry Pape (1929-2017), acting like brothers at the reception after the funeral for my grandmother, their mother, Elizabeth Florence Massmann Pape (1902-2000), in Illinois on January 20, 2000.

© Amanda Pape - 2019 - e-mail me!

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sentimental Sunday: Grandpa and Lucky, April 1953

My paternal grandfather, Paul Robert Pape Sr. (1896-1970), with the family dog Lucky:

These photos were taken in Grandpa's backyard at 2093 West Lunt Avenue in Chicago, Illinois, in April 1953.

The images are from Kodachrome slides I found in the study of my late father, Frederick Henry Pape (1929-2017), and was most likely taken by him.

© Amanda Pape - 2019 - e-mail me!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Thankful Thursday: Happy Birthday to My Aunt!

My aunt, Jo Ann (Sister Jean Marie) Guokas, was born September 12, 1930, so she is 89 years old today.  She's also been a nun for 70 years.  This photo was taken on August 4, 2019, at a celebration of the event at her convent in Houston, Texas, the Congregation of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament.  

Sister Jean Marie Guokas with her nieces and nephews Mary, Brian, Karen, Mark, and Amanda Pape.

© Amanda Pape - 2019 - e-mail me!

Friday, September 6, 2019

Friday's Faces From the Past: Rho and Mare, June 1953

Final shot of my cousins Rosemary "Rho" Jean Streff Grandusky (1949-2016) (in front) and her sister Marianne "Mare," in June 1953.  This photo was taken in the backyard of the home of my grandparents, Paul Robert Pape Sr. (1896-1970) and Elizabeth Florence Massmann Pape (1902-2000), at 2093 West Lunt Avenue in Chicago, Illinois.

The image is from a Kodachrome slide I found in the study of my late father, Frederick Henry Pape (1929-2017), and was most likely taken by him.

© Amanda Pape - 2019 - e-mail me!