
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Travel Tuesday: TAMU RPTS Stories - RP Club Friends, 1980

I've been sharing a number of stories recently here in anticipation of the 50th anniversary of the Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences (RPTS) Department at Texas A&M University.  This isn't an "RPTS story" per se, because it's not about events or activities that occurred in that department. 

Rather, the next few postings of "RPTS stories" will be about what happened afterwards - the lifelong friendships made and the fun meet-ups former members of the Recreation and Parks Club and I had over the following years, in places all over the state and country.  In 1980, for example, I traveled from my home in Corpus Christi to Houston, Port Isabel, Victoria, and Brownwood in Texas, and to Colorado Springs and Keystone, Colorado, and got together with RP friends in each place.  Like this one:

Above:  After a night of dancing at "The Cowgirl" in Victoria, Texas, on May 9, 1980:  In back:  Dale Zuck '79, Amanda Pape '78, Wilfred Korth '79.  In front:  Darel Ball '79, Debbie Bishop '79, and Mark Henneke '79.  At the time, Dale, Wilfred, Darel, and Mark were all park rangers at Coleto Creek Park and Reservoir near Victoria, Debbie worked for the Victoria YMCA, and Amanda for the City of Corpus Christi Park and Recreation Department.

Below:  Amanda Pape '78 and Mark Gray '76, at her family's home in Houston, January 1, 1980.

Above:  Lynn Timken '79 and Amanda Pape '78 outside Lynn's apartment in Port Isabel, Texas, on January 6, 1980.

Below:  Lynn Timken '79 demonstrates THE way to drink tequila - with (a slice of) a (HUGE) lemon followed by a beer chaser.  At Lynn's place in Port Isabel, Texas, January 6, 1980.

Above:  Dale Zuck '79, Amanda Pape '78, and Wilfred Korth '79 at the fourth annual STRAPS (Student Texas Recreation and Parks Society) Conference at the Texas 4-H Conference Center in Brownwood, March 28-30, 1980.

Left:  Dale Zuck '79 on a hike around Lake Brownwood during the 4th annual STRAPS (Student Texas Recreation and Parks Society) at the Texas 4-H Center, Brownwood, March 28-30, 1980.

Above:  Lynn Timken '79, Marshall McKinney (not RP but should have been - Wildlife & Fisheries Science '79), and Amanda Pape '78 at Marshall's workplace, the Keystone Environmental Education Center (now the Keystone Science School) in Keystone, Colorado, October 10, 1980.  Lynn had just left the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs to begin working for the Keystone Ski Resort.  Amanda was on a vacation from her job with the Corpus Christi Park and Recreation Department.

Below:  Marshall McKinney teaching a class at the Keystone Environmental Education Center (now Keystone Science School) in Keystone, Colorado, October 10, 1980.

© Amanda Pape - 2016 - click here to e-mail me.

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